Best practice and core concepts of Baconian

Here we introduce the core ideas and features about Baconian, to make sure you utilize the code correctly. As for the detailed usage of different algorithms, dynamics, please refer to the API page

Put your task into a function

Here we introduce the basic usage of Baconian, and introduce how it can help you to set up the model-based RL experiments.

First of all, whenever you want to run some algorithms, or any codes within the baconian, simply you need to wrap your code into a function, and pass this function to single_exp_runner or duplicate_exp_runner. In this method, Baconian will do some internal initialization of logging, experiment set-up etc.

single_exp_runner will run your function for once. As for duplicate_exp_runner, it is designed for running multiple experiments in a row, because in RL experiments, we usually run the experiment with a certain set of parameters but with different seeds to get a more stable results. So use duplicate_exp_runner can easily help you to achieve this, and the log file will be stored into sub-directory under your home log directory respectively.

Specifically, you can do it by:

from baconian.core.experiment_runner import single_exp_runner, duplicate_exp_runner
# Define your function first.
def your_function():
    a = 1
    b = 2
    print(a + b)
# Then pass the function object to single_exp_runner, then it will set up everything and run your code.
# Or call duplicate_exp_runner to run multiple experiments in a row. 10 is the number of experiments:
duplicate_exp_runner(10, your_function)

Global Configuration

The global configuration offer the setting including default log path, log level, and some other system related default configuration. We implement the global configuration module with singleton method, and you can utilize it by following examples:

from baconian.config.global_config import GlobalConfig
from baconian.core.experiment_runner import single_exp_runner, duplicate_exp_runner
def your_function():
    a = 1;
    b = 2;
    print(a + b)
# Use GlobalConfig() to access the instance of GlobalConfig
# anywhere your want, and set the log path by yourself
# First argument is key you want to set, e.g., DEFAULT_LOG_PATH
# Second argument is the value.
GlobalConfig().set('DEFAULT_LOG_PATH', './log_path')
single_exp_runner(task_fn, del_if_log_path_existed=True)

During the time task is running, the global configuration will be frozen, if you try to change it, an error will be raised.

Workflow for RL Experiments

In Baconian, the control flow of the experiments is delegated to an independent module baconian.core.flow.train_test_flow:Flow which is an abstract class. The reason to do so is to improve the flexibility and extensibility of framework. Two typical flow are implemented. One is baconian.core.flow.train_test_flow:TrainTestFlow, which corresponds to the pipeline of most model-free algorithms, which is sampling-training-testing pipeline. The other one is, which is the flow in Dyna algorithm [Sutton, 1992].

A typical train-test flow follows the diagram below:



The reason why we add this module with these parameters settings is to enable the user to fully customize the experiment execution process.

For setting the end point N in the flow, see the section you can achieve by setting the global configuration in following code example. For using other status as end point, see section Built-in Global Status/Counter for more built-in status.

A flow module is required to pass in one step function as the timer to control the process. More detailed explanations of the time step function are given below.

For, comparing to baconian.core.flow.train_test_flow:TrainTestFlow, there are three more processes are added: train_agent_from_model, train_dynamics_model, and test_dynamics_model. They follows the similar ideas on how to control these processes, user can refer to its usage and example codes for more details.

Time Step Function

RL experiment often relies on a timer/counter to indicate the progress of the experiment. It can be used to schedule the parameters from modules like action noise, exploration strategy. It can also be used to timestamp a recorded log like the evaluated performance of agent so you can know the changes of the performance along with the different timestep.

Naturally, the number of samples generated from environment for training purpose is used as the time step function. This value can be retrieved from following code. Or you can built the time step function using any status value from any objects (i.e., agent, env, algorithm) as long as it is a monotonic counter.

For using built-in agent status counter as the time step function, you can see more in the following section.

Built-in Global Status/Counter

We include some recorded values as a global shared status which can be accessed during the experiments.

The all built-in recorded values are listed below:

  • TOTAL_AGENT_TRAIN_SAMPLE_COUNT: the timesteps/samples used by agent for training
  • TOTAL_AGENT_TRAIN_SAMPLE_FUNC_COUNT: the times of sampling function called by agent during training
  • TOTAL_AGENT_TEST_SAMPLE_COUNT: the timesteps/samples used by agent for testing
  • TOTAL_AGENT_UPDATE_COUNT: the times of training function called by agent
  • TOTAL_ENV_STEP_TRAIN_SAMPLE_COUNT: the timesteps used by environment during training, it differs a little from TOTAL_AGENT_TRAIN_SAMPLE_COUNT
  • TOTAL_ENV_STEP_TEST_SAMPLE_COUNT: the timesteps used by environment during testing, it differs a little from TOTAL_AGENT_TEST_SAMPLE_COUNT

User can access these values from anywhere they want or register new global status into by following code snippet after you start to execute the experiment:

from baconian.core.status import get_global_status_collect
# access directly
# wrap in to a function
train_sample_count_func=lambda: get_global_status_collect()('TOTAL_AGENT_TRAIN_SAMPLE_COUNT')

# register new status
                                                     # object that hold the source value
                                                     # which key the object used
                                                    # under which status
                                                    # name used to store in global status

Example Usages:

1. Use it to decide when to end the experiment using DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT_END_POINT in Global Config User can set by:

# only set one value with its limit as the end point.
# once the recorded value TOTAL_AGENT_TRAIN_SAMPLE_COUNT exceed 200, the experiment will end.
  1. Access the value as the scheduler parameters’ clock:

See Page Scheduler Parameters.

Stateful Behaviour

Status control is a must for DRL experiments. For instance, off-policy DRL methods need to switch between behavior policy and target policy during sampling and testing or decay the exploration action noise w.r.t the training progress status.

The following figure shows the status transition of agent and how it control the behaviour of agent.


Every class that inherited from baconian.core.core:Basic will have two class attributes: STATUS_LIST which contains all status of this class or module.

You can call set_status method to change the status of one instance. You can call get_status method to get the current status of an instance, which is a dict type. The return value not only contains the status (i.e., TRAIN, TEST) but also other extra information that is specially added in the code. Such as, you can register a counter of a function by doing so:

            if self.noise_adder and not self.is_testing:
                res = self.env_spec.action_space.clip(self.noise_adder(self.algo.predict(**kwargs)))
                res = self.algo.predict(**kwargs)
        self.recorder.append_to_obj_log(obj=self, attr_name='action', status_info=self.get_status(), value=res)
        return res

    @register_counter_info_to_status_decorator(increment=1, info_key='sample_counter', under_status=('TRAIN', 'TEST'),
    def sample(self, env, sample_count: int, in_which_status: str = 'TRAIN', store_flag=False,
               sample_type: str = 'transition') -> (
            TransitionData, TrajectoryData):
        sample a certain number of data from environment

        :param env: environment to sample
        :param sample_count: int, sample count
        :param in_which_status: string, environment status
        :param store_flag: to store environment samples or not, default False

The counter for calling function predict is added as one attribute of status, which will be returned with the key predict_counter

For detailed usage of these methods, you can find it in API reference.